How to Maintain Your Headlights — Don’t Get Pulled Over

We’ve likely all been driving at some point and saw another driver with a headlight out. They may have damaged it in an accident, or it may have gone out on its own, and the driver may not even be aware of the situation. This has, perhaps, even happened to you. The good news is this: replacing headlights is no longer an automatic trip to the mechanic’s. The bad news? Police don’t care why your headlight isn’t working. They only care that it is or isn’t.
Headlight renewal can be costly, but it doesn’t need to be. Some cars are very complex, like very high-end ones, and may need an experienced mechanic or team of professionals in order to achieve the results you desire.
One of the best ways to maintain your headlights, avoid the costs of headlight renewal, and provide a safe driving experience for yourself and others is to invest in long-life bulbs. A typical long-life bulb is expected to last anywhere between three and four times as long as a standard halogen bulb, which is what many of us are using in our cars now. In total, those gains can account for up to 4,000 hours of use.
Another good tip for maintaining your headlights is always knowing their maximum effective range. The standard low beams that most of us have in our cars are good for about 160 feet of visibility. If you’re driving and you are able to see at that distance just fine, then make sure you’re able to break in about that much space, and you should be relatively safe.
If you’re driving around and conditions are poor due to, for example, inclement weather, or darkness, you might need to use your high beams. If you’re driving under these conditions, it usually means you might want to slow down a bit to make sure you can break even faster if the need arises. If you’re driving with your high beams, conditions are not optimal in some way or another, so keeping your braking distance in mind is paramount for safety.
Of course, if these safeguards fail, you should know how to react properly. There are headlight renewal kits, headlight cleaning kits, and professional services available for headlight lens restoration, and even all-in-one headlight restore kits.
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